Based on President RI Rules no. 42 , 2013
The First 1000 Days of Life is a Period of Growth that is Started Since in the Fetus until Up to the 2 Years Old
What You Do and Eat in the First 1000 Days, Makes a Difference for the Rest of Your Life
First 1000 Days of Life is a Critical Period of Growth and Quality for Health Determinants Lifetime.
WHO Growth Standards, 2006
At Range Age -9 months until 2 years
there will be a rapid growth
First 1000 Days of Life entire vital organs and body systems almost all have fully formed
Life Journey Queen Bee's are also applicable to the Human
Nutrition at 1000 Day of Life have a Short and Long-Term Effect for the Rest of Your Life
Good Nutrition at 1000 Day of Life Gave a Better Effect for Your Life in the Future
The important of optimal nutrition at the First 1000 Day of Life in Indonesia is very relevant because..
After Phase 1000 Day of Your Life , Your Body still Need Support for Good Nutrition
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